In Jotunheim, under one of Yggdrasil’s enormous roots, lies the spring of wis- dom. It has been guarded since the beginning of time by an ancient giant called Mimir. He is, or rather was, brother of Bor’s wife Bestla, which made him Odin’s uncle. Whoever drinks from the Spring of Mimir gains understanding about everything that has happened and everything that is to happen.
As its guardian, Mimir is the only one entitled to use the spring, and as a result he is the wisest creature in the whole of creation – even wiser than Allfather himself. Odin, who is driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, once asked to be allowed to use the spring, but Mimir refused. So the god took out his own eye and gave it to Mimir in exchange. The sacrifice was accepted and Odin was allowed to take a drink from the water of wisdom. Since then, the eye has lain in the murky depths of the spring and sees all that takes place.
The illustration is from the book Norse Gods.
The art print is in A3 format (29,7 x 42 cm / 11.7 x 16.5") and is printed on fine art paper, Munken Pure 300 gsm. The print is signed by the artist. Click the image to see the layout of the print, the print does not fill up the whole sheet of paper.